Lighting the Candle of "Love" -- Poem 3 (of 3)

Advent WreathImage by ckpicker via FlickrOK.  This is the last one.  We're lighting the LOVE candle on our Advent wreath this Sunday and the sermon is going to focus on how that LOVE which came down at Christmas is to be shared with the world.  Bishop Robert Schnase, on his website has a poetry theme up, with some very nice poems for this season.  The following poem was found in the comments.  It's a poem by Ted Loder in his book Guerillas of Grace:  Prayers for the Battle

It's not a big poem but it packs a punch.  Check out that last few lines.   Asking the coming Christ, the very gift the world needs, to make the reader into the gift needed by others in the world.  Gives me goosebumps.

“I am silent…
and Expectant
How silently
how silently
the wondrous gift is given.
I would be silent now,
and expectant…
that I may receive
the gift I need, so I may become
the gift others need.”

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