Missions and Missional -- What's Important to Us?

Found Cross 3photo © 2003 Dave Gilbert | more info (via: Wylio)
Ernest Goodman at Missions Misunderstood recently wrote:

There are too many ‘experts’ using the word ‘missional’ to refer to traditional missions or serving in the local elementary school. Without a radical shift in the basic understanding of what it means to be on mission, we’re just doing more of the same.

He’s right, but it is not just about orthopraxy. What is missed to often in the missional discussion is that it is not about what we do or how we do it, but about who we are. Missional is about a Jesus followers DNA. It is about a life where “the way of Jesus” informs and radically transforms our existence.
So then, where does this leave me as pastor?  See, I'm not sure I've been doing a very good job at either "missions" or "missional."  Most of our "missions" have been one-day, brief experiences.  You know...come together, do something good for someone, go home.

How do we go about transforming "our existence?" 

I want to be part of a church where the entire DNA has been transformed so that every breath is seen in the larger missional context of the church.

(HT The Blind Beggar for the above quote)