It's Amazing What Having a Cold Can Do to You

Coughing FitImage by poisonivyism via Flickr
I could tell I was coming down with something on Friday.  It made sense.  My two older twins had each fought little colds.  My wife had struggled with a cold as well...the whole coughy, achy, snuffly, sneezy, sore throat kind of thing.  It was only a matter of time.

So, by Friday, I could tell it was coming.

By Saturday, I didn't feel real well and had a sermon to write.  As I was writing the sermon my brain was getting all fuzzy and I had to go and take a nap.  It was needed.

By Sunday I was losing my voice.  I could preach but my singing was more suspect than normal.  I was tired.  The sermon went well, even the fuzzy parts.

Sunday night was horrible.   I coughed.  I couldn't sleep.  I got up.  I tried to drink some tea.  I wanted to stay up because that made the coughing better, but I was so tired I knew I'd have to sleep at some point.

Around 2:30 AM, I finally went to bed.  I was so tired that no amount of coughing was going to keep me up.

At 5:30 AM I was up with my son.

At 6:30 AM I was back to sleep.

At 7:30 AM I was up with my other kids.

I was sick.  I sounded sick.  I felt sick.  And I could tell this was going to be a "lost" day.  I told my wife all I wanted to do was have popsicles, take steamy showers, and sleep all day.  And if I could do all of them at the same time I'd be OK.

At 10 AM I was back in bed and I slept hard for 3 1/2 hours.

So, here I am at 9:52 PM and my throat still hurts from coughing.  My big accomplishment of the, my ONLY accomplishment...was getting garbage to the dump.

And I'm praying that I get some sleep tonight so that I can start getting better.

I want tomorrow to be better.

It's amazing what having a cold can do to you.

I know you've probably all been there.

But I just felt like sharing.

You're welcome :)
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