Family is For Growing

HarvestImage by Stigs via Flickr
I found the words below over at Ann Voskamp's beautiful site.

Those who frequent this site know that Tuesdays are "Daddy Days" at our home.  When our little twins started daycare my wife only worked in the school library in the mornings.  Afternoons were free.  So, we put our little ones in daycare on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  I stayed home with them on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  When my wife went to full-time, I found it difficult to spend two days in the middle of the week as the primary child-care provider.  I kept getting to Fridays, realizing that I had far too much left to do as the weekend rolled around.  I was stressed.

So, we went to Tuesdays being our day together.  They are "Daddy Days."

As I spend my Tuesday with my little ones, helping them master the technology of the iPad, sharing coffee shop experiences, having picnics on the floor, going on adventures, I hope I'm helping them grow to be the persons God intends for them to be.

The family is for growing.

Family is a field to grow in. Where children grow up and parents grow patient.

Where mothers grow in maturity and fathers grow in forgiveness, where sons grow in self-control and daughters in discernment and this is what He means — For us to stretch and dig down and reach out and for family to grow us full in the faith....

There’s only a harvest in the kingdom when someone attends to the the smallness of a seed.

How can I attend to the smallness in my midst, looking for the harvest down the road?
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