Steve Jobs Day -- A Video

In Sunday School today I got to talk about Steve Jobs a bit. The conversation was about clothing and consumerism and an experiment where a small group had, among other things, limited their clothing choices to two outfits plus some workout clothes for forty days.  The point of this part of their experiment was to move beyond our obsessive concern for clothing and how we look and having many options.  Someone in the group talked about Steve Jobs and is iconic turtleneck which then got me a in roll about the man and his vision.

Today is "Steve Jobs Day" in California.  The following video is one composed using only Mac sounds and some of the text of Steve's commencement address at Stanford in 2005.  We may disagree on some of the theology about life and death but it's a very powerful speech.  What I found most interesting are some images of Steve, from his younger days, that I'd not seen before.


And R.I.P. Steve.