Simple Joy: Rock 'n' Roll

Rough week for the Doepken family.

Today I was thinking of those things that bring me joy...simple joy.  One of them, is good ol' rock 'n' roll.

I've long been a fan of the band Boston. I just about wore out an 8-Track -- yes, that's right, an 8-track -- copy of their first album, "Boston." What a great album. That side one (or tracks 1 & 2) was some of the best 17 or 18 minutes in rock music. It started with "More than a Feeling" and moved on to "Peace of Mind" and then to "Foreplay/Long Time." I always loved that beginning of Foreplay. Great music.

So, it was with great joy that I saw this video over at Mark Altrogge's website, The Blazing Center. What's cool about the video is, not just the talent of the kid doing all of the instruments, but being able to see all the instruments making the music made famous by Tom Schulz and the other members of the original band.

If you like Boston...enjoy...