My 10 Most Popular Blog Posts of 2010

number 10photo © 2011 jon jordan | more info (via: Wylio)

[CHURCH] is a Verb -- Sermon for August 16, 2010 -- I think this was a good sermon which highlights a lot of my theology, putting faith into practice in the world.  I think it's a good model for the church as the Body of Christ in the world.

Is This the Worst Nativity Ever -- Ah, yes.  The "Pork Nativity."  And, yes, I think it is the worst Nativity ever.

Almost Cried -- My reaction to sitting in the new church by myself with the lights on. Reflecting on all the work that's gone into this place.

Happy 19th Anniversary to My Lovely Wife -- It's nice as many folks looked at this as did.  I'm very thankful I got to marry who I married.  I love her and wanted to tell the world.

Worst Christan Song Ever? -- This is a horrible piece of music.  "Jesus is a Friend of Mine."  I don't know if it's the worst, but it's terrible.

The King Has One More Move -- An awesome Easter illustration I heard from Tony Campolo while I was in Nashville.  It seems others have searched for the illustration as well, occasionally landing on my blog.

19 Years Ago Today -- A Picture from Our Wedding -- Yes, this is our "wedding picture" and it's amazing how young we look while it feels just like yesterday.  I think it got some "clicks" from folks who just wanted to see how much we've changed.

"The Parable of the Persistent Widow" (Sermon from 27 June 2010) -- This was in my sermon series on the stories of Jesus and is the sermon where I mention diarrhea a couple of times in an illustration about prayer.  In each sermon I shared a story from my time at Girdwood Chapel.  That happened to be part of the story.  Interestingly, when this parable came up in the lectionary, my blog post got hits.

Interesting.  My Most Viewed Blog Post... -- This is merely a reflection, wondering why it is out of all the stuff I've posted, that a blog post about me hitting a dog with my car (and the dog being OK) had received the most hits up to that point.

Village of Quinhagak's "Hallelujah Chorus"  Great Video -- It's not even close.  This post as TEN TIMES the hits of the nearest rival.  It's truly amazing how many people found this video through my site.  I just thought it was a great video...although I appreciate the traffic.